June 17, 2025
Summer Golf Tournament
Hastings Golf Club
2015 Westview Drive
Hastings, MN 55033
Join us for the First MWF Annual Golf Tournament!
Hastings Golf Club
2015 Westview Drive
Hastings, MN 55033
We invite to join us for our inaugural fundraising event for the Mike Westland Foundation. Registration opens at 10:30am. Shotgun start is at 12:00pm. There will be a silent auction at the event. See below for different sponsorship opportunities and branded apparel to wear to the tournament.
10:30 AM: Registration Opens
11:00 AM: Welcome Event & Lunch
12:00 PM: Golf Start
6:00 PM: Dinner
Choose Your Sponsorship Level
Hole Sponsor
Sponsor a hole.
Does NOT include Golf Play.
Silver Sponsor
Includes: Hole Sponsor, Social Media Acknowledgement, Dinner.
Does NOT include Golf Play.
Titanium Sponsor
Includes: Hole Sponsor, Social Media Acknowledgement, Dinner, 8 Drink Tickets
1-Foursome Golf, Cart & Lunch
$4,000 SOLD OUT
Gold Sponsor
Includes: Beverage Cart Signage, Branded MW Hats, Inaugural MW Tee Flag Hole Sponsor, Social Media Acknowledgement, Dinner.
1-Foursome Golf, Cart & Lunch
$10,000 SOLD OUT
1 Golf Foursome
Purchase 1-Foursome. Includes cart, lunch and dinner.