Mike’s Legacy
Love God and Love People
Our Goals
We aim to advocate for all going through this difficult time in their lives and get them the care and treatment that they want and makes the best sense for their family.
We strive to help families educate themselves on their illness and choices they have so they can make informed decisions for care and treatments.
Direct Support
We plan to provide direct financial and emotional support to each family we work with.
Mike’s Story
Following a two-year battle with colorectal and liver cancer, Mike went home to Jesus on November 5th, 2024. He was just 46 years old. The Mike Westland Foundation was established to honor his incredible life and legacy. It serves as a living expression of our enduring love for Mike, as well as, our immense gratitude that we had the opportunity to do life with him.
Mike loved God and loved people. He personified Jesus’ greatest commandment. His extraordinary devotion and generosity toward his family and friends were at the core of who Mike was and the undeniable calling on his life. He invested deeply in everyone that came into contact with him and left an indelible imprint on their lives. To truly know Mike was to be fully secure in his presence and experience personally his warmth, strength, laughter, and love. Simply put, Mike was the best of us.
We, at the Mike Westland Foundation,
Are therefore committed to both preserving and sharing his lasting influence on our lives by walking, hand-in-hand, with those individuals and their families experiencing a cancer diagnosis. “Time” remains the most precious of all commodities. There isn’t anything we wouldn’t do to have just one more hour or day with Mike. And it is with that, as our guiding principle, we aim to support our neighbors in their personal cancer journeys, looking to ensure they have access to every available treatment option.
The ache of Mike’s loss is ever-present. However we know he is both with us in spirit and also continues to soar high above. Mike is reminding us of our greater calling and actively inspiring us in our daily walk to better serve those that need our help. Through the work of this foundation, may his life remain a living, breathing testament to the power of his love for us and our desire to continue giving that love away to others that deserve more time. Please join our team and our unwavering commitment to loving God and loving people.
Thank you,
Mike Westland Foundation